How To Start Affiliate Marketing

Hi guys, in this article I’m going to show you how to make money online with affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is when you promote a product for someone else and if you make a sale you’ll receive a commission.

Here’s what you’ll need to get started.

  1. Clickbank account
  2. WordPress blog
  3. YouTube channel
  4. Facebook fan page
  5. Twitter account

There’ll be some additional things needed but that’s all for now.

The first thing you need to do is find a product to promote on Clickbank. Log into your Clickbank account, go to the market place and find a product to promote that you like. Make sure it has a good gravity and at least $20 per sale, you can go lower if you want but it takes just as much time to promote a lower priced product as it does to promote a higher priced one.

Once you have a product to promote you need to create a blog post promoting the product. It could be a review or relevant information. The blog post needs to be search engine optimized, 100% unique and have at least 500 words.

Don’t know how to search engine optimize an article? Listen up.

  • Primary keyword phrase in the title, first sentence, middle of the article and last paragraph.
  • Secondary keyword phrases can also be used in the article. 3-4 times is enough.
  • Primary and secondary keyword phrases in the tags and categories.

Make sure you leave your affiliate links throughout the article, 3-4 times is enough as too much affiliate links may harm your search engine rankings.

After you’ve created a blog post you’re going to need to start driving traffic to it. We’ll be using YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. We’ll also be building links to your article which will help it rank higher on Google, which will increase your traffic.

Let’s get started getting traffic. Create a video and upload it to YouTube. The video needs to be search engine optimized. Search engine optimizing a video is different to a blog post, here’s how to do it.

  • Primary and secondary keywords in the title.
  • Keywords in the description and tags.
  • Fill up the whole description and tags.
  • For the tags, check out the top competing videos and combine their tags with yours.
  • Leave your link at the very start of the description.

Driving traffic to your blog post with Facebook and Twitter only takes minutes. For Facebook all you need to do is update your status telling your fans about your new blog and leave a link. With Twitter all you need to do is send out a few tweets and don’t forget to leave a link back to your blog post.

The final thing you need to do is build links to your blog post. This will raise your rankings in Google for your chosen keywords. Below is a list of ways to get backlinks.

  1. Social bookmarking
  2. Article directories
  3. Forum posting
  4. Blog comments
  5. Web 2.0’s

There’s a few ways to build links. When you’ve finished all this, keep on adding new blog posts, driving traffic to them and building links to them.

Thanks for reading. Here’s something cool it’s called how to start affiliate marketing – the ultimate guide. Click on the link below to view it!
How to make money with affiliate marketing

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